From 2014 to 2019 captained the 44′ Antares catamaran Golden Glow crossing over 40,000 miles and visiting scores of countries across many oceans and seas and five continents.

Along with Ellen Stiefler, we were blessed to share time with people from cultures that spanned from some of the largest urban areas in the world to some of the most remote locations on the planet. We were greeted with warmth most every where we visited. Being invited to celebrations that ranged from weddings to coming of age celebrations. The people of earth are lovely.

Some of the bodies of water we visited include:
- Adriatic Sea
- Aegean Sea
- Balearic Sea
- Caribbean Sea
- Coral Sea
- Gulf of Corinth
- Gulf of Panama
- Ionian Sea
- Mediterranean Sea
- North Atlantic
- North Pacific
- Sargasso Sea
- South Pacific
- Tasman Sea

You can find some sailing checklists on the Golden Glow Sailing Checklists page of the Golden Glow Antares catamaran website.